Yewww, last night fun! We got reacquainted with creative journaling (a favorite childhood activity that we’ve neglected in adulthood) thanks to the awesomely supportive and wise guidance of @lauralrubin, the founder of @allswellcreative.
Laura helped everyone who attended this workshop in Brooklyn put pen to paper—and the results were unanimous: Everyone is clearly itching for summer.
And since sharing is caring, here’s the little poem that free-flowed out of us, which is especially fitting for today, #worldwaterday 🌊:
Fallen, is the past
Rising, is the future
Tired, the horizon never seems to be.
Though the tide never stops,
The waves never cease their stomping at the shore
There is no sidewalk
No barrier
No lines to crash into or signal a pause.
So it just keeps going
This water
Always flowing
Always floating on
I love it. 💙🌊
Thanks for an epic experience, @labambanyc @allswellcreative@lauralrubin @loosierouge and @sea.together.mag!